Every single day, leave an open door invitation to your customers with our newest template: eShop!
The most amazing stores are the ones that have the latest and highest quality products; and that are open 24/7. Overall, this shop has an auspicious commitment to quality, variety, and good service: three qualities your clients will pursue.
GavickPro team invites everyone to embrace the new eShop template. It will successfully promote your online-business every working second and moment. Gavick Designers have added special features to allow this template to compete with the best; elevating its quality and elegance.
In this template, we released the new and exclusive Gk VM Header Rotator II module; the perfect partner for the powerful PhotoSlide GK2 component. This will enhance any promotions or special products that you intend to market highly. We've also included a new and fantastic display effect for the Login Form and VirtueMart Cart modules. On each "product detail page", we've added some extra appeal to your customers eyes using tabs for content display.
Naturally, we could not leave out one of the most popular tools in the Joomla community – the News Show GK3 module for news, articles or content display.
So get ready to start your business today with your eShop.com! "
Key features of this template are as follows:
- Tableless design and 100% css based.
- 2 style variations (bright and dark)
- Build support for Virtuemart 1.1.2 Component.
- Build support for PhotoSlide GK2 component and the new GK VM Header RotatorII module (specific for this template).
- Build support for News Show GK3
- Compressed engine option for each modules.
- Support for debug option.
- Support for language translation.
- 3 layout options: 2 columns (left + right+component), 2 columns (left or right + component) and 1 column (component).
- All 18 modules are fully collapsible.
- 2 Module variations built in.
- Impressive built-in content style.
- Last Gavick Suckerfish menu version, with 2 built-in options - Suckerfish menu and Mootools.
- 34 different styles moomenu animation effects.
- Speed menu animation option.
- Optional IE6 Warning / Upgrade Notification
- Lightweight, modern and very fast-loading design
- Joomla 1.5 Native
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
- Fully compatible with: IE7, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.
- Delivered with Adobe .PSD source files.
- Delivered with “QuickStart Package”
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